Friday, November 8, 2019

When Ten Million Liberal Heads Exploded


Ten million liberal heads exploded Monday as they watched the Washington Nationals celebrate their World Series victory at the White House. Particularly galling to the libs was seeing Curt Suzuki don a MAGA hat. Almost as bad was Ryan Zimmerman expressing his appreciation to the President for keeping our country safe. Even Nats manager Davey Martinez was skewered for the kind words he had for the President.

This morning the liberal media chronicled their outrage that our nation's capitol's sports team would have a little fun at the White House. One headline read "Nats Swing and Miss At White House Celebration". And chronic liberal sports journalist Christine Brennan went as far as saying that the Nats should not have injected their political leanings at that celebration.

Isn't it odd that the liberal mainstream media have no qualms about sports jocks who refuse to attend those championship celebrations (thus themselves introducing politics into a sports story) yet go into a state of liberal shock when other jocks voice their support for our President.

Talk about hypocrisy. The liberals own it lock stock and barrel.


Frank R. Krzesowiak said...

The Liberals have the same mantra the Muslim's do.They think EVERYONE should be a Liberal(Muslim), think like a Liberal(Muslim) and kowtow to Liberal plans(Muslim). The longtime proclaimed Party of Tolerance couldn't be further from the truth as is the so called Religion of Peace. They deserve one another and will one day war as there can only be one King....

A Modest Scribler said...

True enough. The Democrats have become the party of doctrinal tyranny.