Monday, January 17, 2011

A History Primer! Come On!

I've been thinking alot lately about why there is so little true patriotism left in America.  No, I don't mean the rah-rah doings with the National Anthem, or the shallow but sincere support for our troops type of patriotism.  I'm talking about being patriotic enough to get out and vote or to speak up clearly and firmly for an America that is prosperous and thriving.

I'm convinced it's because so many Americans know so little of our history, how we came to establish the most vital democracy in the history of this planet and why we are truly blessed and truly special.

Just as you couldn't fall in love with someone you know little about, how could one feel a deep and abiding love for their country for which they know so little about.

For those of you who may have forgotten a thing or two you learned in History 101, allow me to make the case on why America is so special and why it is so very necessary to save her.  (I promise not every blog entry will be so "schoolish", so heavy, but please allow me to cite some pretty special facts about our nation's founders and how special people gathered at the most fortuitous time to establish this wonderful country.)

In order to do this I must establish something of a time-line in history; I must show you how certain "cycles of history" evolved into establishing the circumstances for democracy's birth.

Some of you may remember from your school days that the Greeks first espoused the idea of a democratic society.  Sadly, the ideals of the greek philosophers fell poorly in Greek government practice...but let's give the Greeks an "A" for effort and move on.

The Romans adopted many Grecian Ideas with regard to government and philsophy and architecture and adapted them to meet Roman goals.  The Roman empire endured for nearly 500 years by showing real talent for military adventurism and social oranization.  Half way through the shelf life of the Roman empire the empire embraced Christianity and with the allegiance of Catholic popes, prospered for a couple of more centuries. 

The collapse of the Roman empire was due to corruption and the sloth of her citizens, eventually succumbing to invasion from Germanic heathens.  Let's round off the numbers and just say that, from 500AD to around 800AD the world was chaotic and ever-changing.  To further simplify, let's remember our history from 800 AD to the 14th century was pretty dismal.  How could the "Dark Ages" be characterized any other way.
Religion was used to keep the "peasants" down and King and Pope were implicit in this effort.

After 1300 or so, the European world began seeing the rise of commerce and an ever growing "questioning" of the dictates of the powers that be. 

Something good was about to happen!  See you next blog!

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