Thursday, May 30, 2013

Independent Lens; Narrow Focus


I was just watching Independent Lens on PBS.  Whenever PBS airs a special it's usually about some suffering minority.  Last week IL was airing the woes of millions of illegal Mexican invaders, all about how "Whitey" was keeping them down by not immediately spreading their legs and allowing one big ethnic "f*uck".  This week IL aired the woes of Blacks in Detroit.  Yeah, that Detroit.  The one you read about last week.  The once great city now on the brink of municipal bankruptcy.  Detroit, where the auto magnates built huge factories and turned out cars for a century.  Detroit, where the auto unions destroyed the auto industry by demanding $50 dollars per hour pay.  The same Detroit that, in 1967, didn't like their free five year old public housing so they burned it down to get back at Whitey.

And now the Detroit driven into bankruptcy and ruin by thirty years of corrupt Black mayors.  The Whites fled the place thirty years ago when it was clear Black municipal leadership had no intent to enforce the law, manage public resources efficiently, and especially held no sympathy for Whitey.

So the show Independent Lens managed to film a full hour of Black woe and not once mentioning that Blacks voted these Black criminal mayors into office, never once mentioned that union greed destroyed virtually all of the city's industry, that Black crime drove out Whitey and destroyed the property tax base, and that Blacks were all too happy to soil their own panties and sit in them, never once raising a stink about their corrupt Black leaders.

Instead, Independent Lens chose to center attention on the "white devils", the great "Whitey" that left them in this mess.  They showed Blacks at a town hall meeting demanding the return of bus services and other free municipal bennies.  They did not want to be told there just ain't any more money.  When houses aren't worth anything, when blue collar America left the burgs, when 90% of the city's populace is on welfare and pay not a cent of municipal, state or federal income tax, there ain't no more money.

So Independent Lens presents a profile of a Black couple struggling to make ends meet.  Never mind that only 20 percent of Black Detroit are two parent families they probably had to hunt hard to find a committed married couple, especially a working couple.  IL didn't bother to mention the millions of Detroit welfare queens, the drug addicted, slum wallowing 35 year old grandmothers because three generations began breeding at 15 in order to swell the size of the welfare check along with her belly.

Then the hammer came down on Whitey, hard and fast.  It was Whitey's fault that the auto factories went belly up.  They didn't want to discuss the fact that Toyota and Honda were employing hard working Japanese, and hard working Tennessee workers and paying them $25 bucks an hour while Detroit unions were demanding $50 bucks an hour, often to ingest drugs and alcohol as they assembled bad cars.
They didn't want to hear about all of the trillions funneled into Detroit by Democratic Presidents.  They only wanted to know why the gravy train came to a halt here.  More than one Black "Detroit-er" advocated revolution against Whitey for treating himself so damned bad.

Again, not a word about three decades of corrupt Black mayors and greedy city councils, and greedy unions.

Independent Lens...with a very narrow focus...just another fairy tale in liberal-land.


Ken said...

I salute your bravery to print the truth, I wish I could read more of it in more places, like PBS that our (Whitey's)tax dollars begrudgingly support. Your seething though. Maybe you should walk away from PBS. I can't watch their programming anymore for the propaganda. My TV has come close to its end many times while watching such programming, and I think I just might come to my end.

Ken said...

I salute your bravery to print the truth, I wish I could read more of it in more places, like PBS that our (Whitey's)tax dollars begrudgingly support. Your seething though. Maybe you should walk away from PBS. I can't watch their programming anymore for the propaganda. My TV has come close to its end many times while watching such programming, and I think I just might come to my end.

LAWRENCE said...

I moved from michigan,near detroit to escape this,you said the truth and the truth hurts ,let em all rot in their own decay and corruption !!!!!

LAWRENCE said...

I moved from michigan,near detroit to escape this,you said the truth and the truth hurts ,let em all rot in their own decay and corruption !!!!!