I know my readers are special. They read more comprehensively than the usual citizen. This article says it better than I ever could. This is exactly what bothers me about Trump:
One man's opinion. I can get thousands of people who have the exact opposite opinion. Trump is first, an American. He came from wealth, made wealth lost wealth. He comes from a long line of Americans. Why in the world would he want to do anything but help the Country he loves? The Country that gave him so much? I understand Obama's wanting to destroy America. Different background, raised by Communists and Muslims. But Trump has everything to lose, nothing to gain by doing any harm to this Country. I truly believe all you Trump haters are going to eat your words.
Is he a blowdard, wrought with childishness and temper tantrums? Yes. But that beats the Hell out of a bold face lying(then lying about her lying), unethical POS who would make us a laughing stock. Trumps intentions are honorable. HilLIARy's are not. Anyone that would vote for her over Trump has lost all touch with reality and should check into the nearest Insane Asylym for treatment as fast as possible.
Sorry, Scribe. This isn't about Trump's quest for power. He truly is tired of America being run by Idiots. And I agree with him.
Let me answer your question, Frank. He's running for President to satisfy an egomaniac's grandest dream. And, as the article says, his election will destroy any hope conservatives of this country ever had to restore sanity. After Trump no one will ever vote conservative again and it will give the libs a "see that?" and ruin the electoral chances of anyone coming after who espouses the conservative philosophy.
Sadly, tomorrow's conservative is yesterday's liberal. Clearly the country will continue to shift down a more liberal path and 4 or (God forbid) 8 years of Hillary will absolutely push it past the point of no return. Just 10 years ago it was still "safe" for Clinton to speak against gay marriage and illegal immigration. After 7 years of Obama we now have twice as many people on food stamps who think they deserve it, burger flippers who think they deserve $15/hr, and a new movement of college kids who think they deserve free education. The black lives matter movement will continue to whine until they receive monetary reparations for slavery and by then I won't be surprised when they actually receive it. So what chance does tomorrow's republican have anyway? Rubio is a RINO and he's today's republican. If republicans still exist in 2 decades they might be about as conservative as Jimmy Carter. The idea that anyone would vote Hillary over Trump has lost their marbles. Sure, Trump is an ego maniac like every other candidate but I also believe he wants to be the one to actually do something great for America and show the people that it can be done. Today's republican is a phony who is just buying time as the conservative candle slowly flickers out. Before Trump I was convinced we'll see Hillary for 8 years and never a republican in office again. The freeloaders are already outweighing those who contribute and as the older generations of good people die off and we're left with more and more youngsters with an "I deserve" mentality, the writing is on the wall for any conservative movement anyway. Why does Trump get all the blame for the inevitable.
Anon, you had me for the first half of your post. Then you began praising Trump. What is wrong with you people? What has Trump ever done that proves he's conservative? Indeed, his past has shown him to be closer to the Democrat's creed! You people, so desperate for a savior, are putting aside logic and common sense in your support of The Donald.
I said that I believe he wants to do something great for America. Not sure if that was exactly "praising" him, but okay. I'd enjoy a response to my question why he's picking up the blame for the inevitable decline of conservatism in our society though. And I'll admit I had very little interest in Trump until he had the balls to speak the truth about immigration. Just today he posted what he'll do on his first day in office, and one is to remove Obama's executive orders on border policies. I don't believe he's lying and nothing sounds better to me for a first assignment. You keep asking for proof he's conservative these days, so is his stance on immigration not of any substance to you? That professor must be off his meds to even suggest a Clinton vote over a guy who's clearly standing for many conservative topics. Talk about putting logic and common sense aside.
Trump "saying something" and Trump "doing something" is very different. Since you're so enamored over Trump's immigration policy, let's discuss that. First of all, The Supremes are not gonna allow Trump to deport all those illegal Mexicans (I don't believe it's 11 million; I believe it's closer to 30 million...all you have to do is drive down 99 highway, north to south, to see California is overrun with them.) The army of liberal federal judges Obama has appointed will put an immediate halt to deportation and stretch out deportation hearings over a decade. And he's already saying he won't build an entire wall. Trump is selling you snake oil. Sorry.
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