Wednesday, May 22, 2013

21st Century Tories


Okay, you all remember the Tories from the Revolutionary War.  Try to recall your 5th grade history of the American Revolution.  Tories were the folks that had no problem being taxed without representation, didn't mind kissing King George's royal behind, and toiling 60 hours a week so King George and his court could party hearty every night, dine on the world's delicacies, wear the finest silks, and rape the cultures of three continents in doing so.

The Tories were fine with all that.  They read the fancy proclamations of their King and anointed him arbiter of all matters.  Some Tories owed their loyalty to King George because he once chose to confiscate the property of someone else and bestowed it on them.  Many Tories held positions of authority in the American colonies, giving them great latitude, and great personal wealth in the corruption of office.  

Sadly, the vast majority of Tories were simply ignorant people, falling too easily for false promises, ready to repeat, and believe in, the meaningless mantras of their "betters", those who indoctrinated them in all their ignorance.  Historians of the era characterize Tories as basically lazy people, pessimistic about their own futures, unable to embrace the idea of personal liberties and far more comfortable with having the government tell them what to think, what to believe, and what they should like.

At the beginning of the American Revolution there may have been as many as 50% of Colonial population who would have labelled themselves Tories.  As the years progressed, as Tories began witnessing the valor and strength of character of the revolutionaries, as Tories began suffering from the cruelties of the crown, and as their homeland came under assault, more and more Tories abandoned their state of stupor and joined the revolution with gusto.  

Of the 2.5 million colonials in America, by 1781 those who loyal to a corrupt crown had decreased from 50% to less than 20%.  And those remaining Tories ended up fleeing America, migrating to Florida, or Canada or another territory loyal to King George.

Sadly, America is now infested with a new generation of Tories; slothful, petulant, incapable of projecting cause and effect, accepting of the failure of half a century of liberal socialism, and led by a modern King George who, so bereft of morals, so arrogant of character, that he circumvents the Constitution, and Congress, and even intimidates the Supreme Court in a daring assault on the checks and balances of our Republic....all in the name of creating a socialist dictatorship.  

We call this modern day King George "the Anointed One" because he speaks so prettily...and the Tories, so indoctrinated into liberalism by a Teachers Union-Big Government incestuous relationship and made incapable of applying reason and logic to our critical national problems.

We call these Tories "Kool Aid Drinkers" named after a band of ignorants who followed the dictates of a mad man, all the way to hell.  Oh, let's be honest; we've had innumerable bands of "Tories" throughout history.  In Europe they were called "peasants" and lived in ignorance and a blinding faith that Royals were right, no matter how bad things got.  Lenin exploited millions of them to embrace the idea that it was better that everyone had nothing (except the Communist elite!) than their neighbor have more than them, even if they earned it!  And for 75 years they starved in their "equality".

So yes, we are now infested with a frightening number of zombie-like 21st Century Tories, whose loyalty is now assured by keeping them ignorant, fat, and slothful.  For now the new Tories are of no threat to the new King George.  They are bloated with Food Stamp Fast Food, rewarded with free cell phones, bribed by government largess, totally engrossed in Jay Z and Kim and Beyonce and Beiber, far too busy to keep an eye on what King George is doing.

So, fellow Patriots!  Let's not lose heart that we can sometime again regain our Republic; we fought a revolution 237 years ago, all the while dragging along the 50% of the ignorant Tories.  Yes, they are perhaps harder to drag along today, being so fat and slothful....but we can do it!  Besides, these Tories today are so morally vacant, so lacking in principle, they can be easily swayed to join the fight...especially when King George runs out of bribe money.


Ken said...

Your memory is amazing. I have no recollection of the Torries and I had a better than average education until the tenth grade. Then it was public school doom. I know if they existed I was educated on the subject, my memory has just let go of too many things.
I would imagine the Torries are probably not taught in school now or at least not in the context you put them in. Otherwise the new batch of them (torries)might not exist. How long were they in existence and how long do you suppose we will be tolerating this crop. It looks like obama may be unraveling, but I have said that before and he came out stronger than ever.
So obviously we learned our history by your learned accounting of it here, I thought if that was done we wouldn't be doomed to repeat it. What happened, must be my fault for forgetting everything.
BTW, this modern day King George is only able to speak so well when his computer aides are up and running, without them he sounds like a drunk baboon. (no racist intent here)

Unknown said...

I thank God for you and people like you. There may be hope for America yet. History repeats itself. Obama is a King George kind of guy. His followers are Tories. Democrats are Tories. Re-pubs don't care about anything but the stock market. I am a proud Independent-American, but I am ashamed of America right now. Maybe the chance we need will come someday. I sure hope so. King Obama will not save you. A good start would be to stop spending money we don't have. I don't want to speak Chinese. I would die for this great country. I hope I will mot have to.

Unknown said...

I thank God for you and people like you. There may be hope for America yet. History repeats itself. Obama is a King George kind of guy. His followers are Tories. Democrats are Tories. Re-pubs don't care about anything but the stock market. I am a proud Independent-American, but I am ashamed of America right now. Maybe the chance we need will come someday. I sure hope so. King Obama will not save you. A good start would be to stop spending money we don't have. I don't want to speak Chinese. I would die for this great country. I hope I will mot have to.

A Modest Scribler said...

Take heart, Moore Wade. For every action there is inevitably a "reaction"...our time is soon.

Shiva the Transformer said...

You should read what Thomas Paine had to say about the American Tories. From " The Crisis", in part: " ...New England is not infested with Tories, and we are. I have been tender in raising the cry against these men, and used numberless arguments to show them their danger, but it will not do to sacrifice a world either to their folly or their baseness. The period is now arrived, in which either they or we must change our sentiments, or one or both must fall. And what is a Tory ? Good God ! What is he ? I should not be afraid to go with a hundred Whigs against a thousand Tories, were they to attempt to get into arms. Every Tory is a coward: for servile, slavish, self-interested fear is the foundation of Toryism, and a man under such influence, though he may be cruel, never can be brave."

And from the opening of same document: "Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered...".

The Tyranny of 21st century America is concentrated wealth and the billionaire class, that are enforcing the contemporary brand of kings, dictators, and the killer elite.
You bozos have it backwards ...for it is YOU, the enablers and supporters of these ruling plutocrats that control and exploit through economic domination that are the modern equivalent American Tories.
Paine would consider them Traitors today, just as he deemed their forefathers.