Friday, October 16, 2015

The Democrat Dog and Pony Show


Who was it that said "know your enemy".  Well, I'm sorry....I really tried to watch the Dim Debate last night but it was like watching four bobble head dolls (and one Jim Webb) falling over themselves to agree on policies that would give their supporters something for nothing.  Free college, free abortions, a program so that you could keep your home even if you didn't make your mortgage payments.  Worst of all was their iron insistence that the world is just a fine place where the only threat to our safety is climate change.

I really tried watching the debate but kept getting nauseous and had to keep flipping over to the Dodgers-Mets game until the bile subsided.  

I wonder how many viewers understood that the crowd was hand picked by Debbie "Wasserman Test" that every liberal pronouncement was greeted by raucous applause.

The only statement by any of them who actually drew a belly laugh from me was Bernie Sanders and Hillary's lament that the Middle Class has never been more imperiled.  And not once did they bother to mention that, during the last seven years, Obama and the Dims have been in charge of things...and made it worse.

Hope the American people are smart enough to see through this liberal dog and pony show.


rimfire said...

They're not.....

Jeff H. said...

Hilary will win by a landslide. The minions aren't giving up their free stuff, and the Republicans can't find a decent person out of 300 million to represent their party.

Frank K said...

Sorry Jeff: I originally would agree with you but I've changed my mind. Hil-Liar-y is toxic. I' believe there's a lot of women who see right through her(and all the Liberal Candidates) phoniness. People have to know our economy can't withstand all those freebees, and that they are just blowing smoke up our asses. Also, I'm a woman so I'm an Outsider, I'm a woman so vote for me, and free, free, free. Sure there is a percentage of Idiots out there that don't care that it would be the ruination of our Country and that the free stuff would stop shortly after it started(or not at all, no one is ever held accountable for campaign promises broken) due to no money. The rich won't give it up willingly(you think George Soros will pay his fair share? Not on your life) and don't have enough to cover everything anyway. It's all a pipe dream. I thought I was watching an episode of the "Twilight Zone"...Maybe I was.

Steve in Las Vegas said...

Watching most of the "debate", It looked more like a pillow fight No hard hitting questionns... BORING! Just the usual lib talking points and nothing to make her royal highness really uncomfortble...