On 17 January, 2016, this blog celebrated five full years of bringing you my takes; on friends, on family, on values, and certainly on politics. For four of those years I knocked out at least one blog per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. (and I'm still amazed how I did that!) Those blogs have generated over a million and a quarter page views. As my loyal readers know, I cut back on the blogs to three per week; Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
While I'm not putting this blog to rest, I do intend to stop publishing with regularity. In the future there may be times when I pour out five blogs in a row....then not publish another one for a week or two. Should you wish to read any future issues you'll need to be a subscriber. That way, any future blogs will be announced in your email as they are released.
Now, it just may be that some of you "Trumpers" might smile with glee with this announcement. I hope not; I would hope that we who care about our country can still disagree on how best to save her. Personally, I've enjoyed the fiery kickback I've received in response to my Trump rants....it shows that at least you care about this election.
As to all those many blogs I've written over the last five years, some are better than others, but I've always tried to write from my heart, as honestly as I could. And, if I may be a little prideful, I believe some of my blogs were well written...some of them glimmered....and spoke as well about the human and societal condition as anyone writing today.
It's been a good ride, dear reader. I'm grateful that you've allowed me into your world, and I'm grateful that you've sometimes shared a bit of your world with me.
And, again, I'm not saying goodbye. I'm still firmly in the saddle; still swinging at windmills, still fighting for the future of my country as fiercely as I fought for her during 22 years of military service.
In this election year I doubt very much that my keyboard will remain silent. I'll still, no doubt, crank out some rant about political hypocrisy, call out some tom foolery here and there....just not with the regularity as I once did.
I once wrote how, upon arriving back home in America after some long military tour overseas, I could literally smell the scent of freedom. I've kissed her ground many times, so grateful for having been born American, and so proud to have fought for her. I love this country dearly. That love has been the source of my strength and commitment toward writing of both her ills and her graces.
So, in bidding you adieu from this five year crusade, I thank those who have ridden with me; some for the whole journey, some for a part of it.
May God Bless you all and may God bless America.