Friday, January 22, 2016

Spike Lee, Pinkett Smith and Ethnic Privelege


I don't believe there's a better example of today's spoiled Black ethnic class, that ultimate sense of "victimhood", than Spike Lee and Jada Pinkett Smith's declaration this week that they'll boycott the Oscars because Blacks aren't represented in the major award categories.

Stop and think about that.  Blacks make up 12% of the population but really believe they are deserving of the majority of awards....simply because of the color of their skin!  Can you imagine that?  In the very week that we honor Dr. Martin Luther King, who advocated for NOT judging people by the color of their skin, folks like Spike Lee and Pinkett Smith believer they deserve MORE awards because of the color of their skin!

One wants to look back at the last decade to see the preponderance of Blacks who have captured major acting and grammy awards...the numbers are astounding!  But that's not enough!  They want all the awards because, well, because they are Black!  And who could possibly argue that we have Black Divas and Black rap artists who have reaped untold billions in "filthy lucre" (who, by the way, aren't donating any of their billions to the impoverished Black!...witness Beyonce's spending a million bucks for a "birthing suite" that have gone to Black poverty programs.

Spike Lee and Pinkett Smith and others of their ilk are the ultimate "brat"...the kid in the supermarket pouting cause mom won't buy that sugary cereal, or the multipack of chocolate candy...and decide to sit down in the middle of the aisle and pout and scream till their lungs burst.

I'm sorry...fuckem!  I get weary of America's culturally spoiled..of all races...but I believe we've reached a damned sorry state when we demand awards simply based on the color of one's skin.


Brian Kalifornia said...

You know what your problem is Scribe? Your and old white guy who has had "white Privilege" all your life and you don't understand their strife. Sarcasm button off. First of all who gives a rats ass about the Oscars. Who cares what these people say or want. How about they get rid of BET, Black Colleges, United Negro Fund and any other "racist" program "they" have. I'm tired of all of this crap and give no respect or validity to their demands. We as a country are so screwed, good thing we have memories of better days for old Glory.

A Modest Scribler said...

Brian, you're an albatross...not only are we never getting rid of favored pet ethnic groups...we're going to have more as more and more become "victims" of some minor injustice. Be well, my friend.

Frank R. Krzesowiak said...

Hate to interrupt this lovefest between you two but this is why we need a Trumplike President who understands what your saying, experienced what a normal upbringing was, and has NO sympathy for the "whoa is me" crowd. Racebaiters like Sharpton will have to pay their back taxes. Jesse Jackson might commit suicide with 2 bullets(see Hillary and Bill) and a whole lot of College Brats will realize they hold no standing in this Country. Time to come out of Fantasyland...

A Modest Scribler said...

Frank, please don't evoke Trump's name, even "Trumplike" is verboten with me. Trump is not a conservative. Just look at his past support for liberal causes. Trump will say anything to get elected (as do most of them) but there has to be some steel behind the words...with Trump it is all ambition.

Frank R. Krzesowiak said...

Scribe: Had to use that term but I needed to differentiate from all the Political Pretenders who will tell you what you want to hear, then just not do them(does Obama come to mind?). It's unfortunate but electing the alternative(HillBillary) is a thousand times worse than electing a Egomaniacal Blowhard who might just get something done.

A Modest Scribler said...

Re Hillbillary, I agree, Frank.

Craig said...

Fuckem right in the neck!These whiny pissbags are the main population of people whose throat it would not be worth pissing down if their stomach was on fire.

TheRandyGuy said...

What do you expect? Obama was elected not because of qualification, but because he wasn't white (I know, RACIST.... Please.). That translates into other facets of our society demanding equal treatment (rewards not based upon performance or worthiness), even the spoiled, unessential people known as "entertainers". Couldn't care less about Spike Lee or anybody else boycotting the narcissistic, self-indulgent awards show that, frankly, very few bother to watch.