Okay, this is an old joke: Wife tells hubby her credit card was stolen. Three months later he has still not reported the credit card theft. Ask why, the man replies "because the guy who stole it is charging less than my wife was".

Let's face it; the most severe cuts proposed are the Tea Party legislators who are proposing $61 billion in cuts from a $3.75 Trillion dollar budget! Read that again!: $3.75 trillion! And these yahoos can't figure out how to cut 1 percent of the budget? Ask the average housewife how she cut 20% from her budget when one of the family members lost their job! Ask seniors who've had no cost of living increase on their social security in two years how they are doing with 20 percent increase in their electric bill and a 15% increase in their meager food bill! Ask the family who is living in a homeless shelter how to cut 100% of their budget since they have none! Ask the guy at the gas pump how he's coping with $4 dollar gas!
The Dems have never met a social program they didn't love and they've been on a spending orgy for over two years! Now the bill is coming due and the government is trying to print money and borrow from China to pay for all the goodies the Dems bought over the last couple of years.
Let's help the Dems out: Because we are in a recession we have tens of millions of people unemployed. (Remember that $870 billion dollar stimulus program? It didnt' work! You were told it wouldn't work and you rammed it down our throats!) Dems: Those who don't have jobs can't pay income taxes! They don't have income! So, Dems, you have $2 Trillion in revenue and you have a $3.75 Trillion dollar budget! That's $1.75 trillion over what you're taking in! Dems, you're short a couple of trillion! Cut back on your spending! If you don't know how, recruit a few housewives who have had to do it and know how! By the way, you might cut $1.8 billion right off the top by stop giving illegal families free money through the W7 INIT Child Tax Credit program. (http://www.cis.org/child-tax-credits)
And folks, if you don't believe how dire our budget situation is, read this, it'll scare the p*** out of you:
So, if you can't grasp that concept...shut her down!
You know what will happen? They will shut it down and cut all the services that are important to the average private sector civilian. And do you think that if the government shuts down that you will get to also stop paying taxes for the amount of time that the government is not, in service, so to speak? Hell no. In fact, they will shut down and shut down some services and probably raise taxes at the same time. LOLOLOL. All you stupid sheeple deserve to be taken advantage of in your so-called "free country". LOLOL! Pay up, suckers. I can't wait until the breaking point arrives. Any predictions? ANy bets on how long the sheeple will allow the government to take advantage of them without standing up for themselves? You morons do realize that the governemtn is supposed to be working for you, don't you? Have you realized yet that you are slaves and you work for the government? Do you remember a man named Thomas Jefferson? I do. He called what the US federal government is today, "tyranny". Looks it up in the dictionary. You do remember what a dictionary is, don't you?
And after you "Ask seniors who've had no cost of living increase on their social security in two years how they are doing with 20 percent increase in their electric bill and a 15% increase in their meager food bill!", do you think we'll be happy that the Tea Party's idea of how to fix the problem is to cut our Medicare? Start with the 31 B offered by the Dems, and go from there. It CANNOT be accomplished only with cuts. Let the wealthy pay their fair share. Let Congresspeople find their own healthcare. Do your job for ALL of the American people, not just corporations and the wealthy. There's lots of seniors out here, and you can bet we'll be voting in 2012 if you reduce Medicare and Social Security coverage.
Anon: I noticed, because you're a liberal, that you totally evaded my point. Take away the benefits from illegals and those gaming the system and those authorized benefits will receive them. I am supporting the middle class, not business or the wealthy.
I also do not understand how the seniors and poor families will do better after the Tea Party has cut essential social programs. Illegals amount to a tiny problem compared to the overall budget for social programs. Nobody can "game" the American social security system because it barely amounts to anything as it is. Surely it is better to move to, say, Sweden to "game" social security. I am sorry but you have been sadly misled about the issues that really matter. The funny thing is that if these cuts that are being proposed by the house republicans were actually implemented, most people would turn against them overnight, seeing their real impact. That is no sound basis for a long term political position.
go to my post today "Illegals on Welfare and Naive Americans; I cite several sources of information which confirms illegals are hitting us up for a trillion dollars per year. No, that's not a small percent. Also, if you eliminate new green card holders who never paid into SS who are receiving checks there's more than enough for our seniors who did pay in for their entire working lives. Sorry, you continue to ignore the facts. Tea Party folks just want to rid the system of the frauds and illegals.
Based on the comments today, I'm amazed how ignorant so many are about how millions are gaming the system. Don't you folks ever read anything about the fraud, waste and abuse in our government? Is it any wonder that you're being taken by these people...you're like sheep to slaughter who find excuses for millions of blood suckers who only need to pout, look sad, and beg for a handout and you're only too glad to have your taxes raised to pay for these gamers! Do you know that when an immigrant applies to come here he is, by law, supposed to have enough money to live on..or have a sponsor...yet the feds are giving SS SSI payments to green card holders who have no skin in the game! As for illegals, read the scenario from today's post! They are driving new SUV's while you're driving a ten year old car on your way to the post office to mail your taxes in to pay for that new car! My wife makes $700 a month in Social Security after thirty years of working here, but we know a lady who immigrated here and after only two years..and not paying into the system, draws $1100 a month in Social Security SSI because she claims poverty! Honestly, you sobbing liberals make me sick!
You should be more critical of your sources of information. Anyway, there is going to be a small fraction of fraud in any system that the government or the private sector establish. That is never going to be a good enough argument to get rid of these systems - or otherwise we might just want to give up everything. As far as I understand, BTW, new green card holders are not immediately eligible for social security. Retirement benefits are available to green card holders if they have worked 10 years in the US before retiring. Please check your sources.
Truth should not make you sick. You will find that most illegals do not drive SUVs - at least not where I live. They hang around at street corners in the morning, waiting to be picked up for sad, low paying jobs. Admittedly that drives down wages for everybody, but at least the employers seem to be happy about that.
You're drinking the Kool-Aid. Those hanging around Home Depot are the new arrivals; the old "homies" have already been given jobs in construction and manufacturing and other high paying jobs, many of them knowingly hired by business or through the invader's using stolen ID.
by the way, check the cost of an LA Dodger ticket, or one with the Diamondbacks in Phoenix. Next time you turn on the TV see how many of those "poor" immigrants are sitting in the prime seats. I can't afford those seats because I declare my income and pay taxes on it. Gamers. And yes, I see many of them in new cars on their way to welfare office and food banks.
RE: the poster who said green card holders must be here for ten years to receive it. You attack my references but, as usual with a liberal, you couldn't even go to SS site and check your own. Here's the scoop directly from the Social Security Website (and yes, green card holders can hook up to the public tit even though they never paid in!):
In terms of residence and nationality, there are the following catagories of eligibility for SSI:
(b) You are a resident of the United States (§ 416.1603), and--
(1) A citizen or a national of the United States (§ 416.1610);
(2) An alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States (§ 416.1615);
(3) An alien permanently residing in the United States under color of law (§ 416.1618); or
(4) A child of armed forces personnel living overseas as described in § 416.216.
Hey...guess what...shutting the government down will not do enough good to make up for the bad that it would do. I mean, seriously, did you even think about our military members who are facing having to work for no pay and yet, their bills will keep showing up in their mailboxes. You have your beliefs, but I feel that they are wrong. Our soldiers are doing their jobs. Just because they are considered government employees, they are facing having no income. I am not saying that I don't also want the elderly or those who actually need the benefits to have them, NOT those who are milking the system for all it's worth. Illegal immigrants who are in our country taking a lot of the jobs from those who have a legal right to work and pay taxes in this country or the woman on wel-fare who has had more babies then she can actually provide for, just for the benefits. Cut off the people who don't actually need the benefits, through very meticulous regulations and investigations. This would actually create new jobs as well. All I am really saying, is you are very rigid in your beliefs. The only way this world will ever be better, is if people learn to bend and compromise. Basically, I believe that we should definitely have our elderly and military members in mind when considering everything. Without our seniors, our country would not have a past. Without our military members, you wouldn't have the freedom to express your thoughts and feelings. Guess what, I am a housewife taking care of my son who has some developmental delays AND a military wife who is worried about how we will get by if the government shuts down and his pay is suspended until everything is fixed. You may not be affected if the government did shut down. Did you ever think that the shut down would cause more problems for the average citizen than for all the congressmen up in Washington? The ones who will still be paid? Government funds that my husband,and all of our military members earn, is part of the money the government is spending. Question: Are you gonna come pay our bills and put food on our table? Didn't think so. Know ALL those affected by or involved in the situation...BEFORE you decide that a shut down is a good idea...
Well, after all the wild accusations and all of the scare tactics, the politicians agreed to cut about $40 billion dollars from a $3.75 trillion dollar budget and a $14 trillion dollar long term deficit. God, help us all when Congress has to extend the debt ceiling above $14 trillion by next month. If you think this one was hard wait until next month.
Instead of cutting both Medicare and Social Security benefits to its recipients, how about trimming the pork in Medicare and Social Security among the ranks of its employment-staring at the top!
put comgress on a health savings plan
Tell the public workers in Wisconsin to shut up- quit wining and moaning and get back to work.
I lost my job after 23 years in the private sector and moved on with my life.
Before that I had to pay in part on my health insurance and my pension was nowhere as good as what these bellyachers are getting nor was my salary.
P.S. "teardrops as big as boulders"
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