Friday, October 17, 2014

No More Honey


A couple of years ago I wrote about my delight at being called "Honey" by the cashier at Walmart when I brought my car in for an oil change.  I wrote about how nice it is to travel in the South where ladies, especially waitresses, often call you "honey".  So yesterday, while in the grocery store, I paid for my purchases and started walking out when I was tapped on the shoulder and a 20-something young girl, the customer who was behind me,  said "Sweetheart, you forgot your credit card"...then handed it over to me.

I was on cloud nine all the way home.  We old men know that we are past the age of young girls, but having a cutie call you sweetheart is just kinda least to me.  Alas, my elation lasted until I got home and opened up my morning newspaper.  Big headline:  Waitress Harassment: How To Prevent It!   It seems the unionized libtards are at it again.  The Serviceworker International Employee's Union (SIEU) has put out guidelines to prevent sexual harassment of waitresses by restaurant patrons.  

The union says it's high time patrons stop being over friendly with the waitress staff.  The SEIU guidelines recommend that you approach the table and immediately declare your name to keep customers from calling you "doll" or "sweetie" or even gushing over good service, which may indicate they are trying to come on to you.  The SIEU says, once you have approached the customer in a firm and businesslike and impartial manner you have set the stage for polite and professional communication.  At any time after that, if the customer calls you "honey" or "sweetie" you are free to raise a complaint to the restaurant manager who is required to deal with the situation.

The union goes on to say that, if restaurants would just pay a living wage, waitresses would not have to work for tips and feel compelled to show any friendliness at all to the customer.  Just take the order  and cut off any extraneous conversation; you already know it's a nice day so you don't need a customer to tell you that.  This way you'll get about the same measurement of merriment that you get from your local DMV clerk.

The SIEU wasn't done though.  They recommended ladies not take a job in a bar, especially sports bars because drinking can cause customers to lower their normal reservations and might utter something regarding your attractiveness...might even ask you for a date.

Sigh...I don't know if the waitresses at Hooters or Tilted Kilt read the new guidelines.  If not, they need to read it real soon.


Jerry Carlin said...

What a politically correct world we live in! In Russia a "Ronald McDonald College" (TRUE!) was started mostly to teach the workers how to smile and be polite to the customers. Not a normal trait with the Russians. Maybe we are catching up to them? yep, way too bad.

A Modest Scribler said...

Hey Jerry! I did read about Russia's "smile school". Had forgotten about it; and yes, we might need that school sometime soon. The problem is, we are not only losing our sense of humor, we've also developed a constant whine, offended by everything!

A Modest Scribler said...

By the way, Jerry...a couple of weeks ago i read something about some business that was hiring "cuddlers" for employees in high stress businesses. The concept was that a cuddle would help calm an employee down and ease stress.

I immediately volunteered to be the "cuddler" at Hooters...still waiting to hear from them.

Craig said...

Have a great weekend.

A Modest Scribler said...

Same to you, Craig.

Frank said...

You realize that it's not the good looking young ladies that care about this, it the fat assed old ladies that you wouldn't bring to a dogfight and the old men way past their prime that are waging this war on attention. The young girls love it.I think it's a jealousy thing, nothing more. If we can't have the attention, then nobody should get it. If one if friendly by nature, no one can stop that. Take your rules and shove them...

Anonymous said...

My southern mother worked the cosmetics counter at a well known department store in St Louis. She layed on the "honey", "sugar" and "sweetie" to her clientele on a daily basis. She was the top salesperson for the cosmetic department. Granted she was selling to women and she was certainly not gay, it is just called being personable and friendly. I love the "South" and their attitudes in dealing with people. Life is what you make it!

A Modest Scribler said...

yeah, I know,'s the sourpusses who always ruin it for everybody. BUT you are wrong on the "old men well past their prime"...I still love being called honey and sweetheart and enjoy the attention of a lady at any and of any age.

A Modest Scribler said...

Anon, love those southern ladies...and you catch more flies with honey than vinegar so I'm not surprised she was a good saleswoman!

Frank said...

Sorry, but I'm not wrong. I only need say "Harry Reid" and that proves my point.

Unknown said...

Yeesh, I work in the hotel industry and I push my employees to use these words and really let their personality shine. Hell, I use words like "darlin", "my dear" and "hun" all the time and have gotten nothing but smiles. I will say be careful with the word "baby" however, some people take it the wrong way.

A Modest Scribler said...

Good for you, Trevor! I'll be your hotel is a nice place to work at!