Thursday, March 12, 2015

Attention: Honkies Young And Old


Attention Honkies: You are not among the pampered and protected class. You are not allowed to free speech; you are limited to politically correct speech and that is all. The sooner you understand this the better chance you will have to prevent your "politically correct" masters from destroying your right to a job, to an education, and to the pursuit of happiness. 
This edict applies to Oklahoma University students to old honkies in rest beware! Only Blacks have the right to use the word "nigger" in the public domain. Only Blacks have the right to spew hatred and practice racial discrimination. Only Blacks have the right to produce music rife with "nigger, ho (see whore), bitch, kill a cop, kill Whitey, kill da man, rape the bitch, fuck the bitch, kill da niggah, beat the ho, as well as a thousand other terms of the most vile, bestial violence. 
So, you honky kids that just love the rap and hip-hop; that be okay but you damn sure bettah not be using any of the terms we Blacks use cause ONLY WE are entitled to skirt the rules and laws of civility....cause our grand, grand, grand, grand pappies was slaves...and you be owing us for dat! Now don't you wish your great great great grand pappies were slaves? Damn right you do! Dat why we earn that welfare check and priority quotas for education and employment and da freedom to say any damn thing we want to say no matter how racist and nasty! Got it?


Craig said...

A friend of mine has a saying:"The day over until you've used the word nigger three times in a sentence."

A Modest Scribler said...

I just wish no one would use the word.

Brian Kalifornia said...

You forgot to end it with "Sad, Damn sad"!

TheRandyGuy said...

These boys are being punished for speech.... For what they said... Any violence involved? No. Anyone threatened? No. Was anyone physically harmed? No. They are being pilloried for using words. The ironic thing is the left, leading this crucifixion, are the ones that tell us "You have to tolerate things you don't like, whether it's speech or actions." We have entered a very dangerous realm - Some etherial, autonomous body is now deciding what is allowable (and who can say it), and what isn't - and the "what isn't" group will be hammered. This should not only piss everybody off, it should scare the hell out of you. If the n-word is off limits to white folk, why can't criticism of the left be off limits, too? No big stretch to get there....

A Modest Scribler said...

I agree, Frank. Your point is evident this morning as we still see OU fraternity boys still getting as much press attention as the two cops being shot in Ferguson.

A Modest Scribler said...

Pardon me, I meant to type Randy.