Saturday, April 14, 2012

"Illegals on Welfare and Naive Americans"

I can't count how may times I've read a message board on illegal immigration and read an American's post that says "illegals don't draw welfare", because they're not citizens.  Today, I'm going to cite proof that illegals do indeed draw welfare and a host of other social services.  Sure, there are a certain class of liberals that will deny the truth and will continue to avoid the facts.  This is for those who still possess sound reasoning skills.

First of all, all anchor babies are eligible for welfare and all other social benefits; it matters not that both parents are illegal.  Mexicans know this, take full advantage of it, and just hope and pray that enough Americans continue to be in the dark about this practice.  All that is needed to apply for welfare is to carry a certified copy of the anchor baby's birth certificate to sign up for welfare in the child's name. 

According to the latest census information, as reported by judicial watch, an astounding 75% of all illegals with an American born child, are receiving welfare benefits.  This is higher than any group of American citizens in any ethnic group.

Folks, as the government contemplates a government shutdown over the Republican's measly proposal to cut $61 billion from a $3.75 Trillion dollar budget, let's look at a few facts.  The Federal government's social programs are rife with waste, fraud and abuse.  According to this administration's own figures they say there is more than $700 billion of fraud in the Medicare system alone.  Obama plans to find $500 billion of it to finance his Obama care.  If government were to apply that same diligence to ferreting out fraud in FHA, The Student Loan Program, WIC, Welfare and Social Security SSI programs several hundred billion more is there to be saved.  Sure, we have more than our share of American citizens gaming every social program we have, to include gambling with Food Stamp debit cards and faking disability to receive Social Security disability.  Let's deal with our citizens who are cheating.

But first, let's deal with the cheating of those who have no business being here in the first place.  Let me present a scenario that plays out in America every single minute of every day:

1) Jose and Maria are smuggled into the U.S. so Maria can have an "American baby"
2) After the anchor baby is born Jose and Maria hightailed it up to the Welfare office to apply for welfare in the "anchor baby citizen"'s name.  While there downtown anyway, they sign up for WIC which gets them alot of groceries. 
3) Jose takes a job with a building contractor that's willing to pay him $20 bucks an hour in cash, no benefits.
Jose gets paid $2500 dollars per month in cash.
4) Maria takes a job as a hotel maid using a stolen social security number.  Maria makes $2,000 per month.
5) Little anchor baby is pulling in $1,000 dollars a month in welfare, just by being born here.

So how's things going for Maria and Jose?  $5,500 dollars per month in income!  A WIC debit card that pays for their groceries!  Free medicaid and dental care for little anchor baby and if either adult needs medical they just hop on over to the nearest Emergency Room!

But hold it!  The gravy doesn't stop there!  The IRS requires that everyone file an income tax return, regardless of legal status.  To accommodate Jose and Maria, the IRS issues a form W7 Individual Income Tax Return (INIT) for illegal citizens.  (The IRS is not allowed to provide the tax filer's address to Immigration and Naturalization, by law!)  Now Jose and Maria file a W7INIT to the IRS and claim Maria's $24,000 dollar income.  The IRS sees that this falls within the range so they send Jose and Maria a check for $3,000 for little anchor baby for a Child Tax Credit plus everything Maria paid in payroll taxes!

I won't even get into the education programs; the overcrowded classrooms, the hundreds of billions spent to build schools to accommodate all the illegal kids or the preferential treatment they get in our nation's universities  Nor will I get into the tens of billions in the costs of illegal crime and the costs to incarcerate them.  The costs are staggering!

Why does all this go on?  Three reasons:  1) Dems encourage it because they are trying to build a huge hispanic voting block to keep them in power 2)  Businesses love illegals because they love cheap labor 3) You, the American people, sit there like dummies and pay for all this without complaint.

Is it any wonder then that illegals are marching in the streets against any attempt to stop illegal immigration?  These 20 plus million illegals are riding a gravy train that American citizens can only dream of!  When you see the hate and anger on those illegals' faces as they march in the streets, now you know damn well why!

So, folks, if you want to keep drinking the liberal Kool-Aid, by all means do so; but when they start raising your taxes even higher...and when they begin cutting your American citizen mom and pop's social security...and when Uncle Sam finally admits that we are bankrupt, you'll know why.

And yet......other than a small band of Tea Party folks, I don't see many of you speaking up, or writing your Congressmen...or marching in the streets against this massive foreign invasion and the rape of our social service system.
Many liberals and open amnesty advocates said you can't send em home; it would cost $50 billion dollars!  Hell, it's costing us over a $trillion state and federal dollars every year to keep em.  America, get a back bone and Round up the buses!


  1. Anon: Thank you Jose; I can see why you gave me the F bomb. You're scared to death American taxpayers are going to wake up...and then there goes your $6,000 a month in tax-free salary and benefits.

  2. JSC, you get an award for Scapegoater of the Month. Try reading studies by Douglas Massey and David Coffey. Ah, but academic research would be too much for ranting blogger.

  3. Thank you for your comments, John. However, you said nothing to refute the explosive costs of illegals.

  4. John, I forgot to add; I'm well aware of illegal apologists like Massey who advocates legalization. I will remind you that we've had amnesties; they did nothing to stop the invasion. They only encouraged tens of millions more to invade.

  5. The encouragement for illegal immigration is the underground, back door life style that is afforded by our government. Simple as that. Those who were granted amnesty were forced to pay taxes and bare the burden, like the rest of us. A lot returned home. It's only a sweet ride because of the loopholes. If everyone that crossed one of our borders was dealt with in the same way that we are, then the influx would slow to a trickle...
    But they have people like you convinced that closing the border is the answer. Not only is it impractical, it's damn near impossible. I know illegals of every color, from nations around the world. Not all of them came here to exploit those loopholes.
    We need to close the loopholes first, and let the problem start to weed itself out. Once that's accomplished, then we can see who's left. The people actually coming here for a shot at a better life would not be disuaded by being forced to do the same things as the rest of us. Those that want a free ride would go home once they figured out how hard it actually is. Our broken system is the true cause of the problems, and it doesn't simply mean illegals either.

  6. Steve, the problem with your argument is that even those granted amnesty still participate in underground tactics, taking cash for work, smuggling more family in, etc. You're overlooking the fact that the majority of Americans are honest, pay their taxes and obey the laws. Those legalized before came here illegally and are morally corrupt, they learned well how to game the system. My point is that we already have enough "citizens" already gaming the system; we don't need more of them coming. There are now, three generations since the first amnesty, who still see America as an ATM, will not speak English and embrace Mexico.

    And I don't believe closing the border is the answer! I don't want the son of bitches hired! I want prison terms for busineses who hire them! I want the 14th amendment changed to stop the "anchor baby" scam, with all of the entitlements to welfare and WIC and all the rest! I want someone checking on immigration status before my property taxes go to educating hordes of illegal kids!

  7. That doesn't explain the flaw in my argument. Closing the loopholes that let ANYONE cheat the system is not a flawed argument.
    But you're bitter and xenophobic it would seem. How does someone coming here illegally mean that they are morally corrupt? If you can't feed your family today, then you sure as hell can't afford the nearly 10k that it cost to become naturalized. Funny thing is that the true villians can. 6-10k is nothing for a cartell member that wants to get out, or wants to expand his business...
    I can tell you with 100% honesty that if I needed to cross an abritrary border to feed my family I would do it in a heartbeat. That doesn't make me morally corrupt.
    You're sterotyping, pure and simple...which is exactly what you are programmed to do. You can't see the actual problems because of your indoctrinated xenophobia.

  8. Forgive me Steven, I thought you were offering an honest debate but I can now see that, as an open borders advocate, there is no morality. Also, using your argument, there would be no end to the invasion until we're all mongrelized into what Mexico is now. With regard to "morality", when they, or you, crossed that border, you committed a criminal act. Also using your argument we should just let every impoverished country's citizens come here and suck at the public tit too. Finally, since you were unable to refute even one of my cited references and their associated problems, you choose to label me xenophobic...that's just another term for "racist" which is the open borders folks' mantra and always used to justify the invasion. You've had your last comment on my board. If you can't offer a reasoned debate without name calling, and without reasoning, you can go back to coddling the illegals...or what ever you do for a living.

  9. but who is ripping off the mexicans and the gov.?the white owned buinesses.your getting what you deserve!

    1. Go home moreno wait for your check because people are starting to open their eyes and it wont be long before your dirty ass is kicked back over the border!!

  10. Thanks for your comments, Mr. Moreno. Read my blog tomorrow about "Why Business Loves Illegal"

  11. You know i never post on these subjects but I can tell your scared that one day all these as you say illegals and their anchor families will eventually treat you just like you are treating them now. You should be worried lol!

    1. They rape our social security,welfare and other systems that were put in place to help Americans how much worse can mexicans treat us???MORON!!!

  12. Thanks anon, for your comments. I can see by that little curley-cue "lol" that you either have no concept of what is happening to our country and/or you don't care...."lol" to you too.

  13. The Jews in the Banking industry do not want to see the illegals deported. Thousands of apartment buildings, complexes and other rentals would be vacated and they would not get their loans/mortages repaid.

  14. JCS; love your posts. Is it ok to hate illegals? I like people; but the mass invasion is destroying this coluntry.

  15. Perfectly okay to hate what they are doing to our country. I'm alot more angry at our federal government not doing anything about our problem. Hate is a wasted effort; only tires you out and weakens you. Better to just keep fighting; write your legislators and let them know illegal immigration is a key issue to you and their re-election will depend on what they do about it! Thanks for your comments.

  16. This Country has's
    not all bad.. but it's not all
    good either - Those of us that
    are here legally.. have seen the
    system change to help 'make' it
    better for those who you who aren't -If you want to live in America
    then you should learn the language
    first.. and the understand we all
    have to work hard for what we want-

  17. It is important to understand that illegal aliens come from all over the world. I notice in your blog you say Mexican a lot. As much as I hate mexicans because they refuse to admit their cousins and countrymen are guilty of coming here illegally, the way they march in the street and demand rights they didn't earn, the way they spray paint the American flag and walk on it (phuck you Obama for allowing this to happen), one must remember that it is not just mexicans coming here illegally and using our welfare system. I have seen the show broder wars on natgeo several times and border patrol has caught brazillians, guatemalans, mexicans, elsalvadorans, hondurans, etc.

    Illegal is not a r ace, it is a crime.

  18. Thank you for your comments; you should note that Mexicans make up 85 percent of illegal aliens. After we deal with that 85%, then we can go after the other 15%...and it is the Mexicans who have learned how to game the system. They learned from the millions who live here through previous amnesties.

  19. Yes I understand that the highest amount of illegals are from Mexico, naturally because we border that country but again there are many other ethnicities here illegally. California has a lot of illegals from Asia. Chinese, Thai, phillipenes, Vietnamese, etc etc.

    Another thing to remember is the majority of people desecrating our flag and openly protesting, and demanding rights, are Latino/Mexican. I never see Chinese, Japanese, Swedish, or phiilipino openly protesting and being aggressive towards our flag and police force and citizens. Mexicans are still really pissed that they lost this land. I can't think of any other reson why they would be so aggressive towards "white" people.

    It is for this reason I really despise Mexican/Latinos. The culture of poverty they bring here is definitely changing America for the worse.

  20. the Cost ???? Send them or ANY Illegal Immigrant Home.....If you cant come threw the front Door then we dont want you !!

  21. Exactly what I have tried to tell some liberal idiots when they say that illegals don't get welfare. I come back with the same things you did here, the anchor babies can get food stamps and medical care. Who exactly do the liberals think is in charge of a 2 year old food stamp card? It's ridiculous just ow naive and bleeding heart some people are. Then of course, as a resident of Arizona, I hear the "you are just a racist pig" um no, I am a legal American who believes that no one regardless of their color or nationality should be allowed to come into this country and live illegally. Candadians aren't of any color. I don't want them here either unless they do it the right way. One day while up at the Capital of Arizona I had some idiot come up to me and tell me that there was enough medical dollars to go around. (for the illegals he meant) I told him to fuck off and that it was funny that when I had a recent heart attack and being out of a job with no insurance I didn't qualify for any state aid for my health problems. I have tried to explain to people when they tell me that everyone has a right to basic health care that # 1 that is true BUT they have another country that they can get that health care from, they shouldn't be in MY country taking my tax dollars that I paid into the system for over 30 years and # 2 (the MAJOR difference here) when they go to the ER they get treated and walk out of the hospital, when they get billed it goes out to a fake name and fake address. The hospital can never collect. When I go into the ER I show my drivers license and give my real name and address and my bill follows me around for the net 7 years or more.

    Then of course lastly, there is the age old argument that we are all anchor babies. Not true. Yes, my ancestors came from Germany in the early 1900's BUT they came through Ellis Island, signed in, they were welcomed and invited here at that tie along with millions of others, they settled into a home, got jobs, paid their taxes, LEARNED THE LANGUAGE, never would have dreamed of walking up and down the streets of Chicago waving a German flag nor did they ever lay the US flag on the ground and place toilet seats and Nazi symbols spray painted on it. No, they respected this country that gave them so much, they raised children who also respected this country who in turn raised theirs the same way.

    The pieces of scum that are here in Arizona now (for the most part) are just that, SCUM.

    This has been allowed to go on far too long, states like California enacting the Dream Act and now the latest bullshit with the not impounding cars when they don't have a valid license. WTF??? Then of course there is good old Mr Obozo who sues states like Arizona and Georgia when they try to cleanup their own states. When he was running for office I checked a website that gave the two candidates stands on the issues. He CLEARLY said, when asked if he thought that immigration enforcement should be at the state or federal level that his belief was that the STATES would be able to set their own rules and laws. Just one more LIE and deception on his part. The sad thing is I think he still has a chance of re-election. Go help us all. He panders to the blacks and the latinos when he should be the president for ALL people. Sure doesn't seem like he gives a rats ass about the majority on things like Immigration or Health Care either.

  22. Azladyrider,
    The only way we can get control of illegal immigration is to break the political link between Obama and the Democrats because they welcome the invasion; they believe Hispanics are their key to permanent power...and they are correct! That's why it is essential that we throw Obama and Pelosi and Reid out and hold the next President's feet to the fire and never permit amnesty, ever again.
    Thanks for visiting.

  23. Any of you liberals who love and want to comfort illegals so much should take a little drive to Yuma or San Diego and see how much activity there is with these people trying to sneak in here. I took my 2 daughters to San Diego last year and I was astounded that all along the the southern stretch especially near Yuma there were border patrol vehicles literally catching them and chasing them every few miles it seemed like. On the way back at night it was very scary because I started to think what if I have a blowout or flat tire and I have to get out and change it.. we would be a perfect target for a getaway vehicle for some illegals It was very dark out there along that stretch and my GPS was all scrambled. I don't know if they do that on purpose in that area or what. Illegals were literally EVERYWHERE and you have to assume at least some of them are willing to be violent if that's what it takes. If you are a liberal and like to defend illegals why don't you take a ride to Yuma late at night and look on the sides of the roads and you will see all the activity. Maybe you should give some of those really nice caring people a ride, after all they just want a better life right? Take them back to your house and let them sleep in your spare room for a while and pay for their meals. That way those of us who don't agree don't have to pay for them.
    Ain't gonna happen is it? Yea it's easy to defend illegal immigration when you live in a huge gated mansion like Ted Kennedy nowhere near the highly affected areas. You think millionaire Obama truly cares about illegals or wants to spend any time around them, deal with their trash, etc? It's all about politics and getting votes PERIOD.

  24. Ok You wrote Jose and Maria, Well what about the other race wich is taking America in a more powerful way, the illegal chinesse and you don't mention europeans and once a baby is born and raised in the States is going to stay there and will grow and as a citizen He will become democrat,republican or independent so don't even blame any political party. So why don't You enforce your inmigration laws or even better stop sending your jobs overseas and pay better salaries to your farmers and why don't you seal your borders instead sending all your soldiers to this wars caused for the oil and not for the weapons of mass destruction You people look dumb to believe what your government tells you. And do me a favor ask to your department of justice to deport all illegals at once for real and then have all the black people take this jobs and you see some reallity then.

  25. Wow, anon! I think you've had an overdoes of the Kool-Aid! 90 percent of all illegals are from central and south america. (illegal Chinese make up less than one tenth of one percent and are not even worth mention)

    I don't agree with the Middle East Wars but, if you believe we fought them for the oil, please explain why we didn't just take the damn oil after we took control of their country....none of the rest of your comments deserve as response...they are simply the routine gruel liberals spout..

  26. The first thing we need to stop is affirmative action and american companys from hiring illegals for under minimum wage cut the head off the snake so to speak then go after welfare fraud or vise verse

  27. I agree, anon...unless we stop the employers from using illegals to depress wages we are in trouble. And we simply must put pressure on both federal and state government to stop paying government benefits to them; it only serves as a magnet for further invasion.

  28. WOW! Finally I find a site that really tells it "like it is"...Funny thing...I just cam back from the "dollar general" picking up some fresh berries, and what do I see?? I "fat" little Mexican women (at least in her 40s) buying herself a few tortillas with her very own "American paid" EBT!! Yep folks it gets better...she then pulls away in her "brand new" American paid SUV!! With the RIMS!! all shiny and polished! What an AMERICAN DREAM!! let's give it all to them, they deserve it...after laboring all day in the fields for all of us "selfish" American's...we should all be ashamed of ourselves taking advantage of these poor poor people...just makes me want to cry!!

  29. Aside from my sarcasm, which I do get a little carried away, however; I think "most" Americans are really fed up with all these "Hispanics" Mexicans" Chicanos or whatever they want to call themselves! A day does not go by were I don't see single mother's with "multible" kids and the "boyfriend" trailing behind filling up the food cart! Then they all get to the reigstar and pull out that EBT card. I normally see most driving an SUV (normally new) and I wonder how they can affords the gas, but like you stated in your writing here, they can afford it because we are paying for the Food, Healthcare, Cell Phones, Cable TV and vouchers for PG&E and Vouchers for "traffic tickets" so they can keep driving! California is "bankrupt". The real issue is that we cannot change a culture who is content to live off others/governments etc...They have NO SHAME, NO PRIDE, if they did...they would start changing their life...don't get me wrong, I am not prejudice in any way. My daughter is Mexican and so are my grandchildren. I am speaking of the "culture"...The only way to change this, is for the American people to start writing to their congress! Speak out against some of these people who you see using EBT and you know they are taking advantage (when you see the SUV with RIMs that should be a clue)..let them know how you feel! Good Luck everyone keep writing and speaking out!

  30. Poor American, the laundry list of benefits given to illegals is staggering. And one that most folks don't think about: I've been to community food banks to donate fruit...most of those emptying the shelves are Hispanic...and many are illegal invaders.
